Bound Narratives: A Photobook Library is an exhibition that brings together a curated selection of photobooks made from and about the Middle East and North African region by a wide variety of talented authors and artists.
Through this exhibit, the Photobook is presented beyond its classic definition. The selected work includes documentary projects, diaries, academic research, essays, archival images, sketches, and more, attesting to the evolution and extensive scale of the medium.
Bound Narratives emphasizes the importance of sharing the myriad of perspectives from local and diasporic communities, on the power of subversive narratives, and self-representation. while advocating for the importance of preserving work that contributes to the arts and cultural memory.
Ultimately, the project promotes the printed book amidst a world driven by technology and uncertainty.
The project was created and curated by Roi Saade and was initially exhibited at Museo Novecento in Florence, Italy during the Middle East Now Festival in 2022.

List of Books:
- A Biography of Disappearance _ Omar D (Algeria)
- Disquiet Days _ Bruno Boudjelal (Algeria)
- Dry _ Abdo Shanan (Algeria)
- If I Can Be Heard In The Place Where You Are _ Sara Sallam (Egypt)
- In the Shadow of the Pyramids (II) _ Laura El-Tantawy (Egypt)
- Under The Same Sky, Cairo _ Randa Shaath (Egypt)
- Freedom is not Free _ Mashid Mohadjerin (Iran)
- Zanjir _ Amak Mahmoodian (Iran)
- Latif Al Ani _ Latif Al Ani (Iraq)
- Women of Kuwait _ Maha Alasaker (Kuwait)
- Abandoned Dwellings: A History of Beirut _ Gregory Buchakjian (Lebanon)
- A Palm Tree Bows to the Moon _ Ayla Hibri (Lebanon)
- Beirut, Naked City _ Ieva Saudargaite Douaihi (Lebanon)
- Enfant-Femme _ Rania Matar (Lebanon)
- Mes Arabies _ Samer Mohdad (Lebanon)
- On Not Finding Home _ Tanya Traboulsi (Lebanon)
- Passing time _ Fouad el Khoury (Lebanon)
- Picture An Arab Man _Tamara Abdul Hadi (MENA)
- La Bête, un conte moderne _Yasmina Benabderrahmane (Morocco)
- La salle de classe _ Hicham Benhoud (Morocco)
- Home Away from Home _ Taysir Batniji (Palestine)
- Desert of Pharan _ Ahmed Mater (Saudi)
- Cardboard Castle _ Alaa Hassan (Syria)
- The crow's eye _ Omar Malas (Syria)
- West of Life _ Zied Ben Romdhane (Tunisia)
- Winter Bloom _Souheila Ghorbel (Tunisia)
- Gravity of You _ Suzan Pektaş (Turkey)
- Nothing Surprising _ Ali Taptık (Turkey)
- Tefrika istanbul 001 - Dolana Dolaşa _ Erdem Varol (Turkey)
- I don’t recognize me in the shadows _ Thana Faroq (Yemen)