photo by Tanya Traboulsi

IMAGINE LIBERATION was a series of seven writing circles and an exhibition by Kiteverse App and Found Experiences.

In these times of radical shifts and change, we came together to imagine liberation and speak its truths. Because what we think becomes what we say. And what we say becomes what we are.

The circles were hosted by Ibrahim Nehme and designed to be safe spaces of inspiration and new discovery. 

The circles were free of charge and for anyone who is curious about the world and has a knack for the word. They were held predominately in English, but participants were welcome to write in any language.

Kiteverse is a new creative-writing game that will stretch the limits of your language.


Found Experiences is a creative pop-up in constant orbit around the arts, and in play with culture.

Ibrahim Nehme is the creator of Kiteverse App, Mag of Possibilities, Radio Mansion, and other new media that attempt to shift the collective consciousness.

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